September 20, 2018

IEEE Day is rapidly approaching. On 2 October, in addition to in-person activities around the globe, we’re offering a number of free resources and online events for members and prospective members that are easy to join from anywhere. An index of activities can be found on the “get involved” page of the IEEE Day website, which will be updated with more details as the event approaches.

For example, over IEEE’s 100+ years of history, IEEE members have helped shape technology for the benefit of humanity. To learn more about these great engineering contributions, a virtual tour of the IEEE History Center archives will be available. The tour will cover some of the key artifacts created by our members that have shaped the advancement of technology.

You can also join the talk by IEEE Fellow and Professor of Engineering Barbara Oakley, called “Helping You—and the Children in Your Life—Learn STEM Subjects More Effectively,” which is based on the Coursera course she teaches alongside legendary neuroscientist Terrence Sejnowski.

Oakley has won several awards for her teaching, which uses her research in engineering, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology to give you practical information on how you—and your children—can more readily become experts in STEM subjects. Key takeaways will include the science behind why learning something new is difficult, how to build expertise faster, how to tackle procrastination and how to perform better on tests by understanding how the brain functions.

Another webinar that’s being offered for IEEE Day focuses on the socially beneficial projects being run by IEEE members. Our members list humanitarian opportunities as one of the primary reasons they join, and this webinar will highlight how IEEE members and their technological projects are finding ways to benefit humanity. It’s an opportunity to see what’s happening in your region and how you can get involved outside of IEEE Day.

Finally, as a thank you to our members and supporters who make IEEE possible, we’re offering five free IEEE Xplore articles starting on 2 October. This is your chance to get access to cutting-edge research that typically requires a paid subscription.

Interested in becoming an IEEE member?


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