September 12, 2018

IEEE is excited to celebrate IEEE Day on 2 October! IEEE Day commemorates the first gathering of engineers from around the world and IEEE members, which took place way back in 1884. Like that day 134 years ago, IEEE Day is a chance for members and prospective members to share technical ideas, so mark your calendars.

Back then, electricity was just starting to shape society. Engineers were moving from the success of the world-connecting telegraph into telephones, electric power, and light. It was during this time that the groundwork for IEEE was being laid.

Today, we’re focused on leveraging technology for a better tomorrow. IEEE Day honors the roles IEEE members play in their local communities and their work toward the vision of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. It’s a chance to share in their ideas and see first-hand the efforts of their projects.

Events are being held around the world, from Canada to India, America to Colombia, Germany to Tunisia, Malaysia to Pakistan and more. Last year, IEEE held 996 events globally which included events such as a symposium on drone computing, a lecture on 5G, a technical demo for orphans and a tour of a manufacturing facility. This year IEEE will also hold virtual events. Go to to learn more.

IEEE Day is made possible by IEEE volunteers from around the world. They’re working hard to coordinate celebratory efforts and events to advance technology for the benefit of humanity.

We’ll be sharing more about IEEE Day in the coming weeks, so mark 2 October on your calendar, and stay tuned for more ways to share your enthusiasm with engineers worldwide.

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