April 22, 2021
Environmental technology can help clean up our oceans, air and other natural resources. Eco-friendly technology also gives us alternative solutions for keeping the Earth healthy.
We’re celebrating Earth Day by recognizing how IEEE and its members are making a positive impact on the environment.
Installing Hydroelectric Pumps for Clean Water
Members of the IEEE Uganda Section noticed a rural community was getting their water from informally-constructed dams. The community was also sharing that water with domestic animals. This type of treatment can make a community very sick.
With COVID-19 spreading across the globe, reliable access to water is crucial. Residents were more likely to contract the virus if they did not follow good hygiene practices, like frequent hand washing.
Through funding provided by the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee/ IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT), the volunteers installed a hydroelectric-powered water pumping system. This technology stores water in a tank for cleaner distribution to the community. Clean water means handwashing practices will help reduce the COVID-19 spread.

Creating ‘Smart’ Classrooms with Solar Power
Members of the IEEE student branch at the IEEE Viswajyothi College of Engineering are currently building sustainable power for classrooms. Utilizing this technology enables online virtual classes in remote areas during COVID-19.
The “smart classroom” setup uses solar panels to power computer systems and internet connections, allowing for more advanced learning opportunities.
The project also will include software and hardware computer training programs.
See also Technology Helps Us Monitor and Clean Up Our Waters
Establishing Technological Standards that Enable Sustainability
Sustainability is a key theme that cuts across IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) practices, programs and standards. Through consensus-based standards and related collaborative solutions, IEEE SA works to help enable sustainable, efficient and accessible energy through technological advances on a global scale.
“Not having standards would be a huge challenge – un-imaginable,” says IEEE Senior Member Maike Luiken in an article about World Standards Day. “It would slow down, if not halt entirely, the deployment of technology that is expected to enable sustainable development – i.e. clean electricity, internet connectivity, ubiquitous access to the internet, internet for all.”
Some standards priorities include smart energy solutions, including sustainable, low-carbon energy solutions, the use of renewable and distributed energy resources, energy storage, power grid modernization and optimization efforts of system operators globally.
Another set of standards focuses on energy efficiency by addressing energy consumption and applications in such areas as transportation electrification, efficiency initiatives for industrial consumers of energy and reduction of E-waste, recycling of electronic products and sustainable manufacturing practices.