November 14, 2017

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) were created initially for entertainment purposes, allowing users to experience alternate worlds that came alive through the use of cameras and digital displays. Since then, the field has grown into education, training and exploration uses.

Immersive technologies are being used in the replication of archaeological sites. VR gives researchers a view of how sites looked hundreds of years ago so they can learn about past civilizations. It also allows for the protection and preservation of the archaeological site as well as helping researchers work collaboratively in the virtual space.

Using AR/VR for medical advancements  is helping professionals and patients gain access to better healthcare. Between 24/7 access to doctors, virtual tours of a procedure to medical research and training, VR is a tool that will revolutionize the medical field.

If you want to explore space and other planets from the safety of the Earth, or want to be an astronaut, VR offers both educational and training opportunities. Researchers are using VR to create accurate depictions of planets that can be toured by consumers, while astronauts are using AR/VR to prepare for voyages into the unknown.

See for yourself how these technologies work.

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