Attention Makers


Standalone Multipurpose 8051 Trainer and Development Board


For ATMEL 89C51 | AT89C52 | AT89S51 | AT89S52 ISP built-in Series Developed a standalone generic trainer for 8051 microcontroller series. We have designed PCB using DipTrace software applying the design check rules and fabricated it on a fibre quality PCB and soldered all the components ourselves. Tested it after proper external short/open connection verification. Main Feature: - Adopter input - 9-24v DC input - 12v and 5v regulator - AC rectified input - 7-segment display - Dip toggle switches - LCD display - Direction control switches - Serial ports - Reset button - ISP port - Oscillator module - Microcontroller generic board - External pull-up resistor pack - Connected Buffer IC - ISP programmer module(for parallel port onboard programming) - Parallel port - A/D converter module - Crystal LED array - Switching transistors - USB supply mode - Relay - Stepper motor controller module IC's and Components Used: - Voltage Regulators: LM7805 & LM7812 - 3A Bridge Rectifier For 12/18 AC/DC Input & Direction Control - 74LS245 Bi-Directional Buffers - ADC0804 IC - TIP 122 For Stepper Control - 74HC08 Buffer IC For ISP - MAX 232 For Serial Communication - Resistors: 220,1k & 4.7k ohms - Capactirs:150p, 10u, 470u, 100n & 220uF - Diodes: 1N4007 - Variable Pot: 10k Total Cost US $60

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