Attention Makers


Low Temperature Vacuum Seawater Desalination


Faced with too evident growing demand for freshwater device converting, Seawater to Sweet Water, which doesn't cost more then, if, was pumped away 40 miles from a sweet- water lake.

The Purpose

Faced with too evident growing demand for freshwater, its foreseeable shortage in the coming decades. I have before me the following projects. Here is device converting Seawater to Sweet Water, which doesn't cost more then, if, was pumped away 40 miles from a sweet- water lake. Cost of Fresh water produced from Seawater is about, one kilos Watt hour for, 1 M.3 (264 Gallons)? Condensing temperature is about 77? F. (25? C.) Low Temperature Vacuum Desalination <

The Technology

Clean ecological and economic way to convert sea water into fresh water. 1. Solar energy Thermal panels. 2. The thermal energy (cogeneration) generative, usually wasted by coastal power plants. 3. The regenerative thermal energy (cogeneration) usually wasted on board Boats, ships, vessels and submarines, etc.

Additional Details

The ecological balance of the energy management, the heating portion is almost equal to zero. This is accomplished by: solar panels and / or (Cogeneration) generative, regularly uses waste heat. (Both are free, do not generate additional pollution.) Pumping electrical loads are of the order of 0.2 to 1 bar. (2.9 to 14.5 psi)

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