Attention Makers


iURIS - Being Independent

MAKERS: Ashish , Sahil , Jheel COUNTRY: India

iURIS is an low cost spectacle mountable device which helps differently abled people to control Smart Phones and Computers by using their head movements and eye blinks.


The Purpose

According to statistics, 26.6 million people in India suffer from one or other kind of disability and experience following challenges: >Economic partition is low >Educational achievement are not recognised >Highly dependent on other people >Socially disconnected >Biasing done by society on their capability Taking all these problems into consideration, we have developed an innovative solution named as ?iURIS?. Benefits of the project: >Affordable to the majority of people , estimated price is Rs. 2500 >Addressing barriers to support and assistance services >Addressing barriers to education/employment >Enable access to all mainstream systems and services >User convenient device, light weight and durable >Compatible with all types of smart phones, tablets and laptops >No pre-requisite software

The Technology

Our device can be directly mounted on spectacles and can be used right away. The MPU6050 on our device gives raw readings of the head orientation which are used for further processing by filters such as Kalman and Complementary and these readings are converted into x and y co-ordinates for the mouse pointer. An Arduino pro Micro/ Arduino Nano processes the data. An additional feature of this device is that it is wireless. All the x and y co-ordinates are transmitted to the target computer or mobile phone using a bluetooth module HC-05.

Additional Details

>The people, our product is targeting, are physically disabled people who have a minimum active neck movement. >Our product is made with the aim of providing independence for physically disabled people who can?t use technology for their betterment. >Physically disabled people will be benefited by our product. >On further advancements, this device can also be used by normal people for entertainment purposes like Virtual Reality (V.R.), gaming, etc.

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