Attention Makers



MAKERS: Farouk

Team tulos consists of 3 members who are Students at Beirut Arab University. We come from a diverse Local and Mixed Technical Background. Team Members: Hiba Jarjour , Shereen Khodor, Farouk Chamsi Basha We are All University Students. We graduate this coming spring. We are a strong bunch with huge belief in our idea. We have already created Android and Web application for tulos. Our Business Plan guarantees that the Application cannot be used as a taxi service, but rather encourage greatly the use of Carpools. This might have a direct impact on the environment. Finding your fellow carpool-er has never been that simple, as long as you have GPS enabled. We differ from Market Competitors by creating a society of carpoolers where anyone is a driver and anyone is a passenger. Switching between both is as easy as a click of a button. Safety measures such as a Community (University, Institution or even Municipality) accounts can only access each other, thus creating a private secure simple social space for carpoolers. A Rating System helps guides the Passenger or Driver and enhances Security. Our InApp Purchase allows both drivers and passenger to attain credit to commute. This credit will help minimize costs for the driver, and create a safe trip for the driver. Our team has worked hard to create such concepts and would like for everyone to understand the risks such an App could solve. We believe in the Environment and its preservation as well. This Idea will bring to life what we are killing.

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