Attention Makers


Smart Refrigeration System


The increasing number of people with disabilities attracts the concern of researchers to invent various technologies, hoping that these new technologies can assist the disabled to carry out their daily routine like normal people. This project is undertaken with the view of aiding general public with prime focus on visually impaired people and also aged people. This project explains how the electrical appliances that we use on daily basis can be made much smarter with the aid of sensors, micro controller and actuation mechanisms. In this project we introduce some simple modifications that can be easily adapted in the current refrigerators to cut down on the above mentioned tedious tasks that the blind have to do. They not only make using a refrigerator simple for the poorly sighted but much easier and fun for the normal sighted. A. Automatic Closing and Opening of the Door When the user approaches the refrigerator, the Passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) which is placed on the door handle senses the person and the voice commands alert the user about opening of door. This system can be disabled if the user wants to manually open the door. B. TRAY ASSISTANCE The user can feel the embossed lettering (which is placed on the door handle) related to the item which is to be kept in, upon pressing the required item, the tray which has related items will come out. The user can change the tray by pressing the embossed lettering related to the item. Once the user has finished filling the refrigerator the user can press the close button or simply walk away depending on the pre-set time and detecting the absence of the user, the door will automatically close. TEAM MEMBERS:- SANDEEP KUMAR NAYAK NARAYAN SANJEEV CHAVAN WATCH IT AT

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