Attention Makers


Electrical Capacitance In Instruments

MAKERS: Kamran

Team Members: 1. Kamran Janjua 2. Maaz Khurram Working: The idea is based on using resistors which are used to sense the human touch and then play music. This idea can be implemented in almost all the mainstream music instruments such as Piano, Guitars, Flutes, Drums etc. Thus the sensors will replace HUGE and COSTLY musical instruments and provide a cheap alternative with same efficiency and thus, decreasing the size and cost while maintaining the quality of sound. The basic principle behind our method of touch sensing is that each piano ?key? is sensor that can measure the electrical capacitance of a person?s body. The measurement will change as the user gets closer to the sensor and will spike dramatically when the user touches the sensor. The arduino will be looking these spikes in order to detect when the user has touched a key. Uses In Musical Industry: Capacitive sense can be used to play music instruments without instruments which means playing a guitar without a guitar, a flute without a flute, drums without drums. This concept will completely revolutionize the music industry. The instruments will be thus played in air and will be very cost effective. They could be controlled by hand gestures. As this is just the beginning so the there is lot of room for improvement. The efficiency of the instruments can be increased by compacting the circuits and only taking into account the correct human gestures. For string instruments laser technology can be used so that whenever a human gesture passes over a laser the sound is played. Moreover partition with non-conducting material could be done so that capacitance of each key does not cross each other. This will help in pianos and flutes. Moreover impaired people could also play the instruments. Cost Effective: The whole project was built in less than 20 dollars.

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