December 23, 2020

The overall goal of Open Science is to make research broadly accessible and transparent through expanded online publishing options. Here are three ways IEEE helps the author and research community identify collaboration opportunities and gain increased visibility for their work.

1. TechRxiv is a collaborative, multidisciplinary hub that facilitates the open dissemination of scientific findings in electrical engineering, computer science and related technologies. The website is a free repository that provides researchers across a broad range of fields the opportunity to share early results of their work ahead of a formal peer review and official publication. They are also able to obtain feedback that can help enhance the quality of their research prior to publication.

Learn More: How Open Science Promotes Collaboration and Accessibility

2. Code Ocean

Code Ocean is an easy-to-use web platform where users can share and run code published in their papers via IEEE Xplore, through the cloud. Users are able to easily upload their code and associated data to the site, where other users are able to run them and/or modify them and use them to advance their own work. Users of Code Ocean can also search and browse for code on the platform.

Learn More: Continuing to Advance Technology for Humanity: Collaboration Tools Help Authors Enhance their Own Research

3. DataPort

IEEE DataPort is a globally-accessible data platform developed and offered by IEEE that provides significant benefits to researchers, data analysts and the global technical community. The repository currently offers free uploads of any dataset up to 2TB for those that need to retain and manage their valuable research data. The platform has over 470,000 global users and over 1,600 datasets and continues to provide value to researchers around the globe.

Learn More: 3 Amazing Research Projects Happening on IEEE DataPort

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