Attention Makers


Agro Robot for multi operation in the field

MAKERS: Nipu , Faishal COUNTRY: India

Agro Robot is designed to do ploughing, seeding and planing operations simultaneously in the field. It is inbuilt with solar panel to to receive energy and do above work.

The Purpose

The basic idea was to design the machine that can perform multiple operations that is the need of agriculture for better productivity .The main objective of this project is to reduce the time & effort by marginal farmers. It is mainly designed to perform 3 functions at a time i.e. Ploughing, Seeding and planing of soil after seeding. In conventional machines multiple operations can be performed but in same time it causes consumption of energy as well as time to complete it , Solar panel gives energy to battery and further this energy is transfer to machines

The Technology

The robotic system is an electro-mechanical which is driven by DC motor. it has four wheels. The farm is cultivated by the machine, depending on the crop considering particular rows & specific columns. The infrared sensor detects the obstacles in the path and it also senses turning position of vehicle at end of land. The machine can be controlled remotely and solar panel is used to charge DC battery. The micro controller is used to control and monitor the process of system motion of vehicle with the help of DC motor

Additional Details

Multitasking Robot for farming processes Eliminate Time Reduces Cost Works on renewable source i.e. sunlight Pollution Free Parts can be easily replaced Easily adaptable for farmers High Market potential

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