Attention Makers


Autoatic Wireless Waterpump with 433mhz RF Tansmitter and Reciever

MAKERS: Etumudon COUNTRY: Nigeria

An Automatic wireless water pump using HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor , and Cheap 433Mhz RF Transmitter and Receiver Powered by Arduino Atmeg 328 ....This is a very cheap project


The Purpose

Solves the stress of turning on and turning off the water pump manually, It also reduces the risk of electrocution , This project is cost effective

The Technology

Unlike other water pump systems the Ultrasonic sensor transmits data through the RF transmitter to the Receiver which is connected to the water pump and also has an LCD to display the current water level this whole project was powered by Arduino ATMEG328 chip one for each system i.e one for the transmitter in the water tank and the other for the receiver in the House

Additional Details

This is a really nice project and a must have for everyhome

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