Attention Makers


Semi Automatic Physiotherapy Device

MAKERS: Theja Ram

The basic functionalities of the human body are taken as trivial details of this awe-inspiring tool. But it is sometimes forgotten that there are those who have to conquer petty challenges that present themselves in everyday life. To most, these challenges like moving from one?s bedside to the window are elementary, whereas victims of severe paralysis are unfairly deprived of this luxury. A Stroke is the rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This can be caused due to a blockage or hemorrhage. The patient might suddenly lose the ability to speak, move or see. It affects the motor neurons causing memory problems or parts of the body to be paralyzed. The most common outcome is contracture of involuntary muscles disabling one?s ability to move or perform basic motions of the hind or fore limbs. Currently, the solution to post stroke paralysis or contractures involve the use of Electro-Neuro therapy or surgeries that are expensive or have side effects such as acute pain in the affected region for prolonged hours. Through this project, an attempt has been made to cater to these patients that also overcome the limitations of the existing technologies. A semi-automatic device is designed to help the patient regain control of his muscles by physical therapy exercises. The device is worn over the affected part of the body (example the Ankle). The doctor then sets the required speed and angle, by varying the potentiometer and switch positions and the device stores the direction and speed of motion thereby following it periodically. The Motion control in the foot ensures that the movement is safe and within limits, with the highest accuracy. The signal from the potentiometer and switch are fed to the On-board Micro-controller as inputs of speed and angle, which then analyzes the data, and repeats the same action based on a set algorithm. A high torque DC-motor controls the mechanical control of the axes and the design and development of the entire system has been achieved.

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