Attention Makers


voice control wheel chair

MAKERS: deekshith COUNTRY: India

describes the design of asimple, low-cost microcontroller based robot for helping disabled persons. Robot is an intelligentagent that can perform tasks automatically

The Purpose

This wheelchair isdriven and fully controlled by using voicecommands. In which the voice commands ofthe user is recognized by the voiceidentification module. The 8-bit digital outputobtained from the voice recognition module isused to drive a microcontroller based controlcircuit. The microcontroller is programmed in VOICE OPERATED WHEELCHAIR FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED - Anantha Reshma such a way to produce the required output forthe corresponding voice commands. The outputof the microcontroller is given to l293d motordriver, which can control a set of 2 dc motorssimultaneously in any direction. The systemconsist of Voice ? recognition module,Microcontroller ? AT mega 32, L293D-Motor driver

The Technology

The 8-bit digital outputobtained from the voice recognition module isused to drive a microcontroller based controlcircuit. The microcontroller is programmed in VOICE OPERATED WHEELCHAIR FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED - Anantha Reshma such a way to produce the required output forthe corresponding voice commands. The outputof the microcontroller is given to l293d motordriver, which can control a set of 2 dc motorssimultaneously in any direction. The systemconsist of Voice ? recognition module,Microcontroller ? AT mega 32, L293D-Motor driver

Additional Details

> it s a low coast device > it very use to people who suffering disabilities >using process is very use

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