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HI, my project "rc rover with robotic arm and surveillance system" NOTE:-(i did in solo not in a group) CONSTRUCTIONS:- it is a moving rover with a robotic arm fixed on the top and a wireless surveillance camera is fixed in front the whole project is made with pvc plastics which i found lying around and pieces of wood plays a vital role on holding things together WORKING:- it is controlled with a flight controller FLYSKY FS CT6B 6CH and i used arduino mega to decode the PWM signals from the reciever and led to the motor driver L298n to drive a 12v ,500rpm gear motor , the rover can go in all directions it s easy to control like an ordinary toy car. On the top of it the robotic ARM is drived by the servo's since it can take PWM signals it is directly be connected to the reciever , The robotic ARM can mnove alond (X,Y,Z) axis. the wireless camera fixed at the front is used to track and control its action and movements with accuracy USES:- it can be used in diffusion of BOMBS it can be used in mines it can be used in tunnels where humans cant go using this will save human lifes in many ways it can be used by orphan and old age peoples who cannot walk still lots more uses are there. FUTURE UPGRADES:- since im a student i dont have enough financial support so i made this with the things that are avalable in scratch , when ever i make some money ill upgrade as soon as possible .. in future my project will be upgraded to an autonomous robot that can move , decide, inform,self control,intract with nearby computers . still in under constructions ..<sorry if my english was not good > thank you .soon my project will be upgraded

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