Attention Makers


fire and flood fighter octocopter

MAKERS: rumayel , al , arghya , bushra COUNTRY: Bangladesh

a octocopter drone with hand with the purpose of carrying water pipe and to supply foods and stuffs to other places.


The Purpose

our purpose is to carry a pipe that can supply continuous water. firefighters risk their lives to extinguish fire. accidental explosions can cause their life. so we made octocopter drone, the firefighter will control the drone to supply water so that his life risk will be reduced and can save more people in short time. our another purpose is to carry supplies, goods to flood affected people. thus they can get more chance of living.

The Technology

this is a octocopter in double layer. the unique design of it will make out more thrust in cost for low energy. for this design our octocopter can fly higher then normal one layer octocopter. there is a robotic gripper which is controlled by radio transmitter to grab pipe and stuffs. camera, GPS, telemetry and some sensors are installed for better performance. from computer one can see whats happening through the live camera.

Additional Details

unique double layered design to get more thrust out of octocopter. camera for live streaming. GPS for positioning. telemetry for live data feed. about 4 kg lift capability.

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