Attention Makers


IPS Mask for Paralyzed patients

MAKERS: Suryansh Pandey

This proposed idea aims at helping paralyzed patients to live their life independently. This mask is used by paralyzed patients to control daily usable devices in a room like fan, light etc. ?Just BY MAKING SOME FACES? and helps them to ease their living. This mask will cost you very less bucks as compared to expensive technologies already existing to help the disabled This project was initially made for QUADRIPLEGIC Patients but afterward it was adopted as a general mask for any user and obviously it can be used by lazy ones too. This mask consists of array of IR sensors which are used for the recognition of facial gestures, and different gesture corresponds to different signals, i.e. each facial gesture corresponds to different binary signal. Binary signals from the sensor mask are sent to the microcontroller board and further it uses relay switches to switch on/off devices. So in the real world where a paralyzed patient cannot even think of doing anything, now can control the devices that can make his life easy. And I personally think if an idea, that can bring life to a disabled person is an innovation.

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