Attention Makers



MAKERS: Ronit,Ravinder,Sachin

The e-Post Office is the shopping portal of the world renowned postal service on the internet and an additional distribution channel. It mainly focuses on removing the middle war between the person who is sending the post to the person who is receiving the post.It offers services of chitthi ,e-greetings , e-business solutions (notices , applications, electricity bills, telephone bills ,circulars etc.) to its esteem customers. It sells stamps, postcards, packets, cartons etc. and has services like courier, registering for electricity vendors, sellingmobile cards, etc. 1. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS :- ? PIV 2.8 GHz Processor and Above ? RAM 512MB and Above ? HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above 2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS :- ? WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 200 Server / 2003 Server) ? Visual Studio .Net 2005 Enterprise Edition ? Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS) ? Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment) ? SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

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