Attention Makers


Autonomous Mobile Robot for Pipeline Inspection via WiFi (Raspberry Pie)

MAKERS: Abdul Rehman , Wasif , Numan , Zark COUNTRY: Pakistan

We have designed an improved model of mobile robot which can do internal inspection of flaws such as crack and holes in pipeline systems in Industry .


The Purpose

This Purpose of this project to build a robot which can inspect the pipelines systems present in hazardous conditions, Moreover , Fault detecting will be easy . Robot is wireless and can be controlled by operator via WiFi. Detail Study of internal flaws can be done by the help of images sent by Robot as the detection is done by Image Processing. Robots processing speed is good and can take quick decisions. It can move in elbow joints and can move vertically as well .Less expenditure on Inspection

The Technology

The Project deals with design and motion planning of a reconfigurable robot that can be used for inspection of 10-12 in pipelines. This robot consists of four wall-press caterpillars operated by four DC gear motors each. The speed of each caterpillar is controlled independently to provide steering capability to go through 45 degree elbows, 90 degree elbows, T branches, and Y branches. This paper focuses on the use of WiFi for communicating with the robot. WiFi communication is done by the Raspberry Pi 3 and its camera is used for the image capturing and MATLAB is used for image processing.

Additional Details

Benefits 1-Quick Processing 2-Flexible Body Material 3-Capital Saving (Money) 4-Human Safety 5-Time Saving 6- Robot is controllable during operation

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