Attention Makers


Smart helmet

MAKERS: Madhavan , R , Vignesh COUNTRY: India

A smart helmet which detects accidents and alerts emergency contacts through SMS.


The Purpose

The thought of developing this project comes from social responsibility towards the society. As we can see many accidents occurring around us, there is a lot of loss of life. According to a survey of India there are around 400 accidents occurring due to bike crashes per day. If accidents are one issue, lack of treatment in proper time is another reason for deaths. According to the same survey , nearly half the injured people die due to lack of treatment in proper time. So, a thought from taking responsibility of society came our project ?SMART HELMET"

The Technology

The helmet senses an accident with the help of an vibrational sensor and if there's an accident we have chose GSM technology to give the information by sending SMS. We are using GSM module which has SIM card slot to place the SIM and send SMS with the location given by GPS module. To run the GPS and GSM module we use Arduino UNO board which has ATmega328 microcontroller. The Arduino is a very user friendly device which can be easily interfaced with any sensors or modules and is very compact in size.

Additional Details

The best part about this project is that it doesn't work until it's worn since a limit switch has been added inside the helmet. Therefore it doesn't send messages if it thrown or falls down Also it's calibrated such that it won't send messages for values due to speed breaker's a other small knocks

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