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Smart Vehicle Maintenance


A smarter way to maintain your vehicle by predictive analytics using IoT.

The Purpose

Vehicles play vital role in humans life, it helps humans to travel long distance with ease and comfort. Maintenance of the vehicle is inevitable from the start of transportation history, it evolves with the technology periods from the iron age to information age. Now, we are heading towards automation age, which the vehicle maintenance needs technology upgradation. Imagine that if you can predict faults and failure of parts in your vehicle before it even happens, sending real-time data of your vehicle?s health to your service centre, having information of your vehicle on your palm.

The Technology

Internet of Things(IoT) is the solution to make connected smart vehicles, My proposal idea is to having sensors in vehicles on various parts to get necessary data for projected analysis. Which is then to send data to cloud for later retrieval. The cloud will provide data to cross platform devices like Android, iOS/OS X and windows. As the acquired data stored in cloud we can retrieve the data anywhere in the world, even in real-time. The service centre can acquire data of your vehicle like oil level, coolant level, break fuel condition, power steering?s reservoir fluid flowing condition, etc...

Additional Details

Flow of prototype production 1. Sensors 2. Bluetooth Low Energy module as Peripheral(Server) 3. Bluetooth Low Energy module as Central(Client) 4. WiFi Module as Wifi Gateway 5. MQTT as Cloud Broker 6. MQTT as Client We need sensors to read data from vehicle?s parts, like, liquid level sensor for fuel, oil, coolant level, temperature sensor, 3-axis gyroscope sensor on wheels to get camber, caster and toe angles etc. The sensors are connected to Bluetooth Low Energy SOC, either via ADC channels, SPI, I2C or Peripheral UART communications. Sensor data can read via either of the communication channels accordingly.

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