Attention Makers



MAKERS: Asif , Vimal COUNTRY: India

Here the street light will work only when a vehicle or pedestrian is present in the road. It is actually a fully remote controlled isle of lamp posts.

The Purpose

This is an IOT based smart street lighting system, where the power consumption is much lower than that of the ordinary street light. . It has been designed and organized in different hierarchical layers, which perform local activities to physically control the lamp posts and transmit information with another for remote control.

The Technology

Locally, each lamp post uses an electronic card for management and a ZIGBEE network transmits data to a central control unit, which manages the whole isle. The central unit is realized with a Raspberry-Pi control card due to its good computing performance at very low price. Finally, a WiMAX(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) connection was tested and used to remotely control the smart grid, thus overcoming the distance limitations of commercial Wi-Fi networks.

Additional Details

The electronic card checks whether the sunlight is lower than a fixed limit or not, and if Sunlight is lower, it waits until the sensors detect the presence of a vehicle or a pedestrian. When this happens, the control unit switch ON the light for a fixed time, the current sensor starts the measurements and, in case of a fault detection, an alarm is sent to the master lamp. If no fault is detected, the microcontroller stores the current values. During night the Coordinator Lamp Post requests data from the secondary lamp posts and makes them available on the Internet.

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