Attention Makers


Smart Energy Meter

MAKERS: chandra COUNTRY: India

SME will bring and solve these problems using IoT 1.Real-time smart home/smart building energy profile 2.User apps for billing data accounting 3.Theft and fault detection


The Purpose

Smart Meter are essential to efficient energy consumption and a key part of the smart grid infrastructure.The smart meter helps consumer stay fully informed about their daily energy use and eliminate wasteful routines or get rid of the inefficient appliance. For utility companies, the real-time visibility into energy consumption process translates into accurate billing data and ability to balance demand against supply via flexible pricing and other policies. With the IoT platform, smart meters can be easily implemented to support these and many other smart grid features.

The Technology

this technology is based on internet of things where all the energy meter will be connected to a control server which will not only monitor real time power consumption but solve many of the problems that an electrical distribution company has to face.

Additional Details

1. Real-time smart home/smart building energy profile 2. User apps for billing data accounting 3. Smart metering over HVAC, consumer electronics, and industrial equipment 4. Smart meter network 5. Smart meter data analytics 6. Secure over-the-air configuration 7. Fault detection 8. Theft detection

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